What We Believe

The Bible

We believe that the Bible alone and in its entirety is the inspired Word of God written and without error in the original writings. It is the ultimate authority for the Christian faith and life.


We believe in one God, the Creator of all things, infinitely perfect and existing eternally in three Persons as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, one in essence, each equal in power and glory.

We believe that Jesus Christ is uncreated, truly God and truly man, that He died on the cross to pay the price for our sin, and that He rose from the dead according to Scripture.

We believe that the Holy Spirit is uncreated, proceeds from Father and Son, convicts of sin, regenerates, indwells, instructs, and empowers every believer to live faithfully as a follower of Christ.


We believe that everyone has sinned and needs the salvation that is found only in Jesus Christ. All who place their trust in Christ for salvation, open their hearts, and surrender their lives to Him, are born again of the Holy Spirit, become children of God, and have everlasting life.

Glenwood Worship has adopted the Baptist Faith and Message 2000 of the Southern Baptist Convention as its Statement of Faith. To view the complete text of the BF&M 2000, click here.